Friday, September 14, 2007

A tribute to Pastor Carlton Pearson, a brave man of God!

I commend Pastor Carlton Pearson on his bravery in speaking his truth regardless of the repercussions he knew he would have received from his congregation, and Oral Roberts, who denounced and disrobed him from that specific Ministry. Unfortunately, people are satisfied with hearing the same child like and mindless messages passed from generation to generation without questioning and debating the depth and resonance of it.

We tend to forget that the bible has been edited, coded, packaged and marketed into a viable money making machine called religion that has created a tax free industry of religious entrepreneurs. Religion has even taken the metaphysical name of God and captured it as religious term of their own.

The religious industry, like politics, has dominated, influence and brainwashed their flock into submission and subservience as they spread their propaganda and conflicting stories taken from a number of selected books written eighteen hundred years ago. Religion still lives in the past and desperately needs updating to Truth as Truth is spirit.

Pastor Carlton Pearson is a brave man and some time in the future when the congregation have had a chance to think for themselves, they will find that his revelation was right.

God is Spirit and must be understood, appreciated and loved in Spirit. Spirit is Light and He made us in Him own Image. Our body is the Temple and our souls are made in the image of God, Light. Not like God but in the image of such. We are, therefore, not the body but the soul, a replica of God having an earthly experience. Hence, being made in the image of God makes us gods.

It was Jesus the Christ who gave us the greatest revelation of His Ministry which the Christian churches have missed..."The Kingdom of God lies within". The third phase of His Ministry was the admonition that "The Father and 'I' are One". He has proven the theorem of life and we have not had the wisdom to move on from that point to realize our true divinity.

This issue is addressed in a book, ISBN: 09764908; Expanding The Boundaries Of Self Beyond The Limit Of Traditional Thought Discovering The Magic Within located at .


Recomenzar said...

Very interested blog.To reed mine you can use the translator,in the first page.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the book. I have read most of it and found it to be very informative. I have blogged about it at